What is a Career in Sports Administration
The main question you get asked after you graduate high school or even get through those first couple years of college is, “what are your plans for the future?” I absolutely hated answering this question literally once a day for about four years, I’m sure I’m not alone either. Why I didn’t like answering wasn’t because I didn’t know what I wanted my career to be, I knew exactly what I wanted to do as a career. Marketing and Creative Communications of Collegiate Athletics. The look of confusion on family and friends' faces when I said that prompted their next question, “what’s that or what can you do with that?” My answer: A game doesn’t just magically appear and run just because of the coaches or athletes. There is so much work that the typical sports fan has NO IDEA about! There are many departments when it comes to a breakdown of an athletic office at the collegiate level besides the athletes and the coaching staff. Let me break it down for you. At the top you have the Ath...
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